Congratulations to our 6th Class Sek 1 pupils who successfully participated in this year’s Maths Competition ‘Mathe im Advent’, a digital Advent Calendar with a daily math problem, wrapped in a short story about the elves and their everyday struggle leading up to Christmas, to be solved in two levels (grades 4-6 and 7-9). The competition takes place every year and is running from the 1st to the 24th of December with over 100,000 pupils from schools in Germany and abroad competing against each other.
A special shout out on their outstanding performance goes to Tara O’Colmain who won gold by solving 24 out of 24 tasks, to Ben Rauch and Irina Ghergu on winning silver and to Nora Michels, Zoë Taschler and Marie-Viola Zydek who won a bronze medal. Well done to all who participated!
‘Mathe im Advent’ is an initiative established in 2008 by the German Mathematical Society (DMV) and the Matheon Research Centre with the idea to enable a fun and playful approach to mathematics, creative problem-solving and logical thinking. The tasks are based on short stories about math elves from the North Pole and are different from the math problems as taught in school or known from other math competitions.