Our TY students were out and about enjoying a German film ‘Der Pfad’ in the Irish Film Institute (IFI) followed by a visit to Christ Church and Dublin Castle in the afternoon, where they also got to see the Exhibition The Objects of Love and Magna Carta.
The film Der Pfad tells the story of a 12 year old boy fleeing across the Pyrenees with his dad, a journalist from Berlin escaping Nazi Germany 1940. They get separated very early on and he must make his own way relying on a local Catalan girl guiding him.
The Exhibition The Objects of Love, is an exhibition of powerful mementoes that tell the story of one Jewish family before, during and after the Second World War.
Thanks for organising Herr Sundermann, Frau Gotthardt and Frau Niederprüm. The students had an enjoyable and eventful day out in Dublin’s City Centre.