The results of the 1st round of the All-Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO), which took place at our school on 22 January, are out: A total of 800 took part, 14 from our school from classes 8 to 12, of whom 6 have qualified for the finals on March 20th in DCU. A fantastic result as all 14 students were in the top half – quite an achievement given that some have only taken part in the module a few times.
Congratulations to all involved and good luck to Michael (10th class, last year’s youth champion), Eliska and Victoria (12th class and both in last year’s winning team) Jacob (8th class), Darina (12th class) and Anja (11th class) in the finals in March.
The All-Ireland Olympiad (AILO) is about solving puzzles in languages we don’t know or can’t do! Over 1000 students across Ireland take part in this competition, the top 100 then go on to compete in the final at TCD/DCU and the top 4 go on to represent Ireland in the World Olympiad!
Since the beginning of the competition over 10 years ago, St. Kilian’s has always been able to send representatives to the finals; Imogen Grumley Traynor has also represented our school at the World Olympiad. We hope that we can achieve as great results this year as we did last year when St. Kilian’s provided the Youth Champion with Michael and won 1st place in the team competition.