Twenty St. Kilian‘s Senior Cycle boys took part in the Ultimate Frisbee Blitz in the National Indoor Arena in Blanchardstown for the very first time today. Impressed by the other more experienced players at first, the two St. Kilian‘s teams quickly got into the game and played fantastically! Ultimate Frisbee games are self-refereed and all the schools participating played extremely fair. Each of the St. Kilian‘s teams played five other schools. Scores were not kept, but after each game the team captains would come together evaluating each other by giving points for sportsmanship, fair play, kindness etc. As a result of that, our team of TY and 5th year students won the “Spirit of the Game“ trophy having received 50 out of 50 possible points in the tournament! Well done St. Kilian‘s!!! We are extremely proud of you and look forward to future Ultimate Frisbee tournaments!
Frau Gotthardt
Secondary School teacher at St. Kilian’s