In September 2001 the Secondary School of the Lycée Français International Samuel Beckett relocated to the St. Kilian’s, Clonskeagh campus as the first step towards providing a true European style education for Dublin. After four years of negotiations and shared experiences, the Lycée Français International Samuel Beckett and St. Kilian’s Deutsche Schule Secondary School agreed to join to amalgamate in the Junior Cycle, thus creating the Eurocampus Dublin.
Within the framework of the Irish education system, Irish, German and French students are jointly prepared for the Irish Junior Certificate. Those students who have enrolled in the Lycée section of the Eurocampus will also sit the French Junior Cycle examination Diplôme National de Brevet (DNB) and will consequently have the choice of either continuing their education within the Irish system in St. Kilian’s, or of working towards the French Baccalauréat in the Senior Cycle of the LFI.
The Eurocampus at St. Kilian’s is one of the most exciting and innovative educational projects in Ireland and provides the model for future schools abroad. It creates a learning environment in which different European traditions mutually enrich each other to create an awareness and acceptance of diversity. The Eurocampus students come from about 50 countries.