Am 10. März repräsentierten drei Schüler der 11. Klasse St. Kilian’s in der Modell-Europarat-Debatte in Dublin Castle. Killian Conyngham, Cathal Kelly and Mihovil Dzidic debattierten über europäische Handelsgesetze aus der Perspektive der Tschechischen Republik.
Bericht von Killian Conyngham ist hier verfügbar (auf englisch).

Pic shows: St. Kilian’s German School, Clonskeagh students (Front L-R) Killian Conyngham, Cathal Kelly and Mihovil Dzidic with (back L-R) Head of the European Commission Representation in Ireland, Gerry Kiely, Journalist for The Irish Farmers Journal, Mairead Lavery, teacher Linda Golden, HE Ambassador of Czech Republic Mrs. Hana Mottlova at Dublin Castle where they where debating the hot topic of EU trade policy at the eleventh annual Model Council of the European Union. St. Kilian’s German School, Clonskeagh, role-played Czech Republic in an intense and well informed discussion among 26 other schools from across Ireland.