A whole-school evaluation of management, leadership and learning (WSE-MLL) was undertaken in April, 2013 in St Kilian’s Deutsche Schule.
Here are quotes from of the report regarding effectiveness of leadership for learning.
- “In almost all lessons observed, the quality of teaching was good, very good or exemplary. There was convincing evidence of good quality learning in the vast majority of the lessons observed.”
- “Students displayed very good aptitude in applying their learning, whether in the use of language, the completion of experiments and tasks, or the solving of practical problems. Best practice was observed when differentiated tasks were implemented to support increased levels of student participation and engagement. The atmosphere for learning was very good in all lessons, students were courteous and respectful and teachers were caring and supportive. It was evident that students were highly motivated to learn and enjoyed many of the learning experiences. Teachers’ clear subject expertise was apparent in all lessons and this supported high quality learning for students.”
- “The physical classroom environment played a positive role in supporting learning.”
- “There was a very good balance between teacher instruction and student activities, in almost all lessons.”
- “Almost all student responses were articulate, knowledgeable and meaningful.”
- “The development of key skills in observation and critical thinking was a positive feature of lessons.”
- “ICT was best utilised when it was used to aid the understanding and the visualisation of key ideas and more difficult concepts and when it was integrated into the instruction phases of the lesson. A clear focus on the use of subject-specific terminology or vocabulary was evident, often reinforced by visualisation on the board or screen.”
- Team teaching was a very positive feature of some lessons observed. Inspectors witnessed exemplary practice in this regard. Teachers’ joint expertise and prior planning and collaboration ensured that student learning was seamlessly supported and exemplified.”
- “Parents receive comprehensive reports on their childrens’ progress four times a year and this is good practice.”
Here you can download the report. [download id=”145″]