Congratulations to the Concern Debating team of 11th class! Captained by David Noone, teammates Nikolai Gladyshev, Marcella Gonzalez and Nick Carswell won the first round of the League competition against Presentation College, Bray. They successfully proposed the motion that The EU can well afford to open its borders to refugees and received a unanimous verdict from the adjudicators.
This gives them a great start in the competition and confidence to meet Gonzaga College in the next round when the issue for debate is Climate change. They were ably assisted by their research team of Cillian Corcoran, Patrick Junghenn, Timothy Kelly-Lester, Roberto Mazzoncini, Clodagh Scott, Ailbhe O’Connor, Max Mc Cabe, Nicholas Weafer, John Joel Boles and James Wyatt, all of 11th class. Well done to all!