On 5th April 2017 the Irish Department announced the winners of their annual poster competition for Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish Language Week). The competition, which was organised by Ms Hollaway, saw the 7th class students design posters based on old Irish sayings. It was very difficult to choose the best posters as the standard was very high. Well done to all who entered and thank you to Ms Holloway for organising.
Phioc Roinn na Gaeilge na buaiteoirí ón gomórtas póstaeir inniú. Is comórtas bliantúil é an comórtas seo a bhaineann le Seachtain na Gaeilge. Sa chomórtas seo, a bhí eagraithe le Ms Holloway, dhear na daltaí ó rang 7 na póstaeir a bhí bunaithe ar seanfhocail na Gaeilge. Bhí sé deacair chun na póstaeir is fearr a phiocadh mar bhí an caighdeán an-ard ar fad. Comhghairdeas le gach dalta a chuir póstaeir isteach sa chomórtas. Go raibh maith agat Ms Holloway.
The winners are as follows:/Seo iad na buaiteoirí;
1st Place/1ú Áit – Alice Jolyet-Cunningham
2nd Place/2ú hAít – Sophia McMillan
3rd Place/3ú Áit – Noah Uwakwe-Kelly