On Monday 20th November, all pupils in our Primary School will start their Run Around Europe Challenge. This will be done in conjunction with Active Schools Ireland.
Our aim is to run from Dublin to Berlin over a 16 week period, a distance of 1.705 km. Every pupil will be involved and then we will add the distances of all 1st & 2nd class students together, 3rd & 4th class students and 5th & 6th class students.
Every class will have an A3 map of Europe and the distances between the cities so they can follow and monitor their progress. It will also be incorporated into Maths, EVS and German classes at different stages. Please feel free to call into the classroom before or after school to check their progress. There will also be a bigger map on the sports board in the Assembly area tracking the students’ progress.
Please get on board and encourage your child to be active, get running and be proud!