On the occasion of European Day of Languages on 26th September, we celebrated the diversity of languages and cultures in our school. Many classes came up with creative and fun ideas to mark the day and to highlight the importance of languages and the acceptance of differences among the members of the school community in St. Kilian’s.
Our 7th class (1st year) students had worked hard on different projects with their German teachers in the run up to the day and presented their work to their peers and teachers. Frau Reitermayer’s group had prepared a German play, Herr Köhler’s group created detailed posters about some of their native countries and Ms Kavanagh’s students presented their native countries and languages to the class.
10th class (TY) created stats of the languages spoken in their year and compiled a list of ideas about how to learn a new language.
2nd class pupils had made a cardboard tv and broadcast the weather in German, 3rd class demonstrated the impressive number of languages spoken by them, ranging from Polish to Persian, in a short video.
Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s European Day of Languages.