St. Kilian’s German School has been running a very successful exchange programme with the Immanuel-Kant Gymnasium in Hamburg, Germany, for over 30 years.
Every year about 20 Irish Transition Year students from St. Kilian’s participate in a 3-week exchange programme. As part of their exchange they complete work experience in placements provided by the Rotary Club in Hamburg.
The objectives of this programme are both to obtain work experience and to improve language skills. This year 30 German pupils will come to Dublin and we are looking for work placements for them.
The students’ age is usually 15 years and their occupation in a work placement complies with the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act 1996 according to which children aged 14 and 15 may be employed as part of an approved work experience or educational programme where the work is not harmful to their health, safety or development. According to the law, they may do up to 8 hours a day light work in school term time.
This year’s dates for the work experience are: 19th September to 3rd October 2019 and we are looking for placements in all areas of business.
If you can offer a placement or have any further questions please contact Sarah Niederpruem.