On Friday 31st May a group of 18 7th class students set off to Würzburg for the second leg of their student exchange with the Siebold Gymnasium.
Accompanied by their teachers Ms O’Donohoe (exchange organiser), Frau Reitermayer and Mr Carroll, they are enjoying a lovely week exploring the beautiful city of Würzburg and surrounding region together with their German exchange partners.
Over the weekend they had the chance to settle into their host families as well as a lovely walk up to the fortress Marienberg which grants a beautiful view of Würzburg. On Monday, after three hours of lessons in the Siebold Gymnasium, the students went on a guided city tour.
For the rest of the week the students will get a chance to discover traditions of the region, such as Brezel baking in Rothenburg and a culinary tour of Nürnberg.
A joint farewell party and barbecue for all students will take place in the school yard of the Siebold Gymnasium on Thursday. After the traditional city rally and visit of the Residence on Friday, our students will return to Dublin.