Today we are starting into the 4th week of our 30-day quiz on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of German Reunification and we will be asking questions relating to the years 2005-2009. The questions will be posted daily below and on social media. All Secondary School students can take part by sending their answers to Frau Niederprüm and they can win a daily treat.
Monday 2nd November
Answer: “Wir sind Papst.” (“We are Pope.”)
Thursday 5th November
Answer: Human Papillomaviruses which play a role in the development of cervical cancer -> vaccine.
Friday 6th November
Answer: Abwrackprämie (Scrapping bonus) was a state bonus of 2,500 euros that was granted in Germany under certain conditions when an old vehicle was scrapped and a new or year-old vehicle was registered.