Our popular 7th class student exchange to Würzburg could not take place this year due to the pandemic – as was the case with all other exchanges. Below is a lovely message we have received from our friends at the Siebold-Gymnasium.

Dear St. Kilian’s school family,
Sending you wintry wishes Würzburg! Like you, we’ve been in distance learning mode since mid December – teachers and students work at home and try to make the best of the situation. Compared to the first lockdown, the days are much more structured. On every school day there is a mix of video conferences and work assignments to be completed independently, which must be sent to the teachers as a photo or file for marking.
After having worked pretty intensely for five weeks since the end of the Christmas holidays, it would have been nice to be able to take a deep breath during the February mid-term holidays but they were called off by the Bavarian government so that everyone has more time for school work. Originally that sounded like a good plan because progress in distance lessons is a lot slower and you can not go away on holidays anyway! But having to hold out until Easter is also tough. We therefore do a “revision week” with less new material so that motivation does not drop too much.
It has not yet been decided when the students at Siebold-Gymnasium will return to face-to-face classes. At the moment, only the Q12, who take their Abitur exams in May and June, are allowed into the school building with a mask every other day.
Stay healthy, friends in St. Kilian’s! We look forward to our next exchange!
Siebold-Gymnasium Würzburg