In the school’s hockey world any visit to St. Andrew’s College is usually a tough trip. For a small program like St. Kilian’s it can be a hard place to visit and bring away a result. Our first venture to Booterstown this season did not buck the trend – a hard game and no points earned – yet, among the shoots, some new growth.
The senior team in most schools is usually packed with a majority of 6th year students – on both boys and girls’ side. As our program rebounds from the Covid era with so many pupils out of the good habits of a consistent sports program we are building a senior team for the future and giving early introductions to several boys from younger years in the school.
On Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 we battled bravely against a smart and well-drilled St. Andrew’s team, featuring several well-established club players drawn from a large pool of talented veterans eager to make their mark before graduating and going onwards to college hockey. St. Kilian’s lined out with 5 class 12 boys, a couple of 11s, and a chunk of our junior boys’ squad from classes 10, 9, and all the way to 8.
Although the result was difficult (6:0), the collective spirit was refreshing, the togetherness of the boys obvious, and the desire to improve as a unit while reflecting on losses that are sometimes just as useful was encouraging for a young unit just coming together.
A special mention to the hearts of the team – Cian Brennan, Tom O’Grady, Oisin Wynne, and Louis Prehn – tireless industry against a group of stronger players, while encouraging the younger boys around them. Supported in this endeavour by Nathan Raffaelt, Benas Vasiliuaskas, and Ben Taylor, with big contributions from Aadishesh Mohan, Johann Jahns, Sam Curtin, Narayan Friel, Chris Daly, Luca Sauvegrain-Meehan, Marcelo Malpica, and the mercurial Oliver Graham.
Beaten but not bowed, educated without being schooled, and tested but not daunted – the boys echo the great Tommy Bowe – “Next play, move on”. Move on indeed, we’re the next play.
Dave Broderick
Hockey Coach