Our children completed several engineering activities during National Engineers Week 7-11 March. Our 1st and 2nd Class children were busy working as engineers as they made different paper planes and measured the seconds the planes could stay in the air. They also designed and built ‘Spaghetti Towers’ using marshmallows and pasta. The idea was to get a high structures, which was not an easy task. The children had great fun playing with marshmallows and came up with some wonderful innovations and designs. Another group of pupils was learning about air resistance and the work of an aeronautical engineer. They were predicting the blasting pressure of balloons by recording the distance a balloon could fly when hit lightly or harder. Another group was given the challenge to build sturdy bridges using wooden blocks and Lego blocks and put these to the test by putting weights on them. Also our little ones in Kindergarten were busy this week and designed innovative towers. They were also learning about sound waves and made string cup telephones. Well done to all!