The students and teachers of St. Kilian’s enjoyed a fantastic sports day on the 10th of June 2022. Traditional St. Kilian’s sports day games of Chinese Football and Tug of War were joined by customary sports day activities such as sack race, egg and spoon race, and the welly throw.
Students enjoyed the obstacle course designed by Ms. Collins that included toy fishing, crawling under a net, and picking up a small ball with a litter picker. They ran and jumped to their hearts content in the running races and long jump, used their teamwork skills in the pipe and ball relay and three legged race.
Students left St.Kilian’s with a smile on their face as big as the fit ball used in Chinese Football in what was a day of fun, teamwork and laughter. A big thank you to all the Sports Department for the organisation and to the teachers for their help.
Evan O’Connor
PE teacher in St. Kilian’s