January 6th is ‚Dreikönigstag‘ (Nollaig na mBan/Lá Nollag Beag) or the feast of the Epiphany! It is a tradition in many regions of Germany for groups of ‘Sternsinger’ (pupils dressed as the Three Wise Men or Kings following a star) to go and visit houses, sing a song, give a blessing for the New Year, and collect for charity).
Class 8 DM/Sek-I students reflected on this tradition and decided to start a small charity initiative in the tradition of the ‘Sternsinger’ on 6 January, 2023. The students have chosen to collect for the UNICEF Somalia appeal and were able to raise a total of € 300.00. Thank you to everyone for your generous support as Somalia and the Horn of Africa are again threatened by severe drought, a food crisis and, as a result, famine.