Given the devastation in Turkey and Syria following the very recent earthquakes, we would like the school community to come together and raise funds for the Irish Red Cross which will assist in the relief efforts. Members of the Turkish and Syrian communities in Ireland are also members of our community and it is very much a time to extend the hand of friendship in any way we can.
On Friday, February 10th, some of our 6th Class students will be on the footpaths in the campus with collection buckets from 7.45 am to 8.25 am and again from 12.45 pm to 1.00 pm. Parents may also contribute on Easy Payments Plus – Earthquake Appeal.
There will also be a cake sale on Friday during break time in the canteen to help raise some funds for the Earthquakes victims. We would be grateful if you could support it with a small donation.
Relief agencies are asking for donations of practical items such as clothing, hygiene products, baby supplies and non-perishable foodstuffs. Please see their message below. We are happy to act as a collection point here in St. Kilian’s and have asked the P.A. to organise volunteers to assist with the organisation. We have a small window of opportunity given the mid term break starting on Friday but we can still make a difference. Members of the P.A,. will be on hand tomorrow and Friday morning and again at 12.50 p.m. Thursday and Friday to collect donated items.
If you feel you could help please contact your P.A. representative.
Thank you for your support.
Update: We were able to raise an astonishing over € 3,000 for the Earthquake Appeal today. Thank you very much for your generous donations.