In the lead up to St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th, 2023 and to mark Seachtain na Gaeilge, many activities to celebrate Irish culture and language took place in St. Kilian’s. Kindergarten & Primary School children enjoyed the annual St. Patrick’s Assembly with songs, plays and music all in Irish and a wonderful demonstration of Irish Dancing by our own Dora from 9th Class. 4th Class parents and children had lots of fun practising their Irish dancing skills with dance teacher Louise D’Arcy on two mornings. Some 12th class students organised a charity fundraiser during break time and offered free face paint for our Lá Glas (Green Day) in Secondary School. TY students took part in a short event to commemorate the original unfurling of the tricolour 175 years ago by Thomas F. Meagher and to learn about the history of the flag. And our 7th Class students got surprised by St. Patrick and Leprechaun, who were up for a chat and answered most of the questions. It was a great week enjoyed by all! Thanks to all teachers for organising and to all students and parents who joined in for some ‘craic agus ceoil’.