This morning we enjoyed our annual Elysée Treaty Debate with 11th class students from St. Kilian’s and the LFI participating. One proposition team and one opposition team convincingly proposed and opposed this year’s motion: “Artificial Intelligence can significantly transform education for the better in Europe”, delivering an impressive level of debate and rebuttel of the opponents’ arguments in three languages English, German and French. The adjudicators Ms Buesker from the German Embassy, Mr Chouvenc from the French Embassy and Ms Golden, a valued and loyal teacher were faced with the difficult task of deciding on a winning team. Congratulations to the preposition team who were declared this year’s winners and well done to all debaters who were commended for their outstanding performance and work on research and preparation of the arguments for and against the motion. Thank you to Ms Jones for organising the event, to the adjudicators for their participation and to our 12th class students Eliska and Nadia for being fantastic chairs and timekeepers. The annual Elysée Treaty Debate is not only a unique Eurocampus event, that was initiated in 2013 in celebration of the Treaty’s 50th anniversary allowing students of St. Kilian’s and the LFI to focus on Europe and their role as Europeans in the world today, but is certainly one of the highlights in the school calendar.