BTYSTE 2025 has begun! Over 2,000 projects were submitted and two of our 10th class students – Eric Ajwani and Jan Centner – are two of the 550 projects selected to exhibit at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition this year. Eric’s project “Triangulation: Using mathematical formulae and trigonometry to derive the third point in a triangle” was selected for the Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences category. Jan’s project “An investigation into the barriers faced by individuals with learning difficulties and intellectual disabilities to employment” was selected for the Social & Behavioural Sciences category.
We are all very proud here in St. Kilian’s and wish Eric and Jan the best of luck this week. Thank you to Neale Richmond TD and to Sinéad Gibney TD, who took the time to visit the boys and their fantastic projects. For anyone who is interested in visiting, the exhibition is open to the public from Thursday 9th January to Saturday 11th January and Eric and Jan can be found at the stands 2222 and 3206. Our 10th Class students will be also be there on Friday to support their classmates and see all the wonderful projects on display.