The All-Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO) is an annual competition where students ‘solve puzzles in languages they don’t know’ while having great fun. On January 20, 2025 8 Students from St. Kilian’s and around 880 from across Ireland sat the first in-house round, and the best 100 went on to compete in the Finals in DCU in March. Our contestants Michael Costello (11th class ) and Jacob Roantree (9th class) represented St. Kilian’s in the finals and were extraordinarily successful: Jacob got 5th place overall and is the Junior Champion, and Michael achieved the best results of all winning 1st place and is crowned Senior Champion! Michael and his 3 team members will travel to Taipeh this summer to represent Ireland in the World Linguistics Olympiad.
This is a wonderful achievement for the school and for Dr. Baum-Sheridan who puts a lot of effort into her Linguistics groups each year. We are all very proud in St. Kilian’s since the All-Ireland Linguistics Olympiad was established in Ireland, we have always had students in the Final Round, and this is the 3rd time that one of our students reached the Final: Imogen Grumley-Traynor, Eliska Dvorakova in the last year and now Michael. Congratulations to the boys and best of luck to Michael in Taipeh!

Credit: Pic SHARPPIX