Huge congratulations to the Green School Committee and teachers for earning their 3rd Green Flag in the category Water Conservation. Well done to all involved!
Happy Easter!
What Easter celebration would be complete without an Easter egg hunt? It would probably be less fun. Our Kindergarten and Vorschule children enjoyed the annual… Read More
5th Student Exchange: 41 Students from Siebold-Gymnasium in Würzburg visit St. Kilian’s
In the week from 22nd until 27th of Mach 2015, 41 exchange students from Siebold Gymnasium in Würzburg, Germany visited St. Kilian’s. This year’s student… Read More
5th Student Exchange: 41 Students from Siebold-Gymnasium in Würzburg visit St. Kilian's
In the week from 22nd until 27th of Mach 2015, 41 exchange students from Siebold Gymnasium in Würzburg, Germany visited St. Kilian’s. This year’s student… Read More
Auszeichung für den St. Kilian's Chor
Der Chor unserer Sekundarschule wurde für dessen Teilnahme am diesjährigen Walton School of Music Wettbewerbs ausgezeichnet.
Drei Artikel von St.Kilian's Schülern in der FAZ veröffentlicht
Wir freuen uns sehr Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) drei Artikel, geschrieben von unseren DM Schülern aus der 10. Klasse… Read More
Three articles written by our 10th class DM students published in the FAZ Newspaper
We are thrilled to announce that three articles written by St. Kilian’s 10th class DM students have been published in the leading German Newspaper “Frankfurter… Read More
Eurocampus Elysée Treaty Debate 2015
On Wednesday, 25th March 2015, St. Kilian’s German School Dublin and the Lycée Français d’Irlande (LFI) held a combined event, the annual Elysée Treaty Debate,… Read More
Letter of Commendation from Walton’s School of Music
The St. Kilian’s Secondary School choir were highly commended for their entry into the Walton’s School of Music competition 2015.
Letter of Commendation from Walton's School of Music
The St. Kilian’s Secondary School choir were highly commended for their entry into the Walton’s School of Music competition 2015.