Our under boys 13 team came close to pulling of a win over St. Andrews on Friday.
TY students at the ECO conference in Dun Laoghaire
On October 6th the students from Transition Year participated in the annual ECO conference held each year in the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown county council offices… Read More
Our 10th class climbed a hill for Jack and Jill
Our 10th class participated in Jack and Jill’s Climb a Hill challenge in September 10th as part of their trip to Tanagh Adventure Centre.
Tag der Deutschen Einheit an der St. Kilian's Schule
Heute feiern wir den Tag der Deutschen Einheit. An diesem deutschen Nationalfeiertag wird die Wiedervereinigung von West- und Ostdeutschland im Jahr 1990 gefeiert.
Day of German Unity in St. Kilian’s
Today is German Unity Day. On that Day Germany commemorates the anniversary of German reunification in 1990.
Day of German Unity in St. Kilian's
Today is German Unity Day. On that Day Germany commemorates the anniversary of German reunification in 1990.
Ernährungs- und Bewegungsworkshop für die 4., 5. & 6. Klasse
Am 1. Oktober besuchte Alva O’Sullivan, einer Ernährungs-und Fitnessberaterin die St. Kilian’s Schule.
Nutrition & Exercise Workshop for 4th, 5th & 6th class
On October 1st, Alva O’Sullivan, a nutritionist and fitness adviser, came into St Kilian’s School to do a workshop with 4th, 5th & 6th class.
Nutrition & Exercise Workshop for 4th, 5th & 6th class
On October 1st, Alva O’Sullivan, a nutritionist and fitness adviser, came into St Kilian’s School to do a workshop with 4th, 5th & 6th class.
Hugh Perrette has been selected for the Science Olympiad in DCU
Congratulations to Hugh Perrette who on the basis of his Junior Certificate results has been selected to take part in the Science Olympiad in Dublin… Read More