Am Freitag, 18. Dezember ist „Christmas Jumper Tag“. Wir möchten alle Kinder an diesem Tag dazu ermuntern, einen festlichen Pullover, andere festliche Kleidung oder Accessoires… Read More
Freya Tacke wins competition run by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
St. Kilian’s is very excited for Freya who won this year’s FAZIT Foundation award for the project “Jugend schreibt” (“Young people write”).
Hockey updates
Hockey news, schedule and squad details for this week now available on our website.
Erfolgreiche Spendenaktion für Our Lady's Children's Hospital
Der Kuchenverkauf und Raffle für Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin konnte einen fantastischen Betrag von €1,091.66 einbringen. Ein riesengroßes Dankeschön an die 6A, Mrs Collins, Mrs… Read More
Fundraising for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital
The cake sale and staff raffle for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin raised a fantastic amount of €1,091.66! A huge thank you to 6A, Mrs Collins,… Read More
Fundraising for Our Lady's Children's Hospital
The cake sale and staff raffle for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin raised a fantastic amount of €1,091.66! A huge thank you to 6A, Mrs Collins,… Read More
Training day with German star footballer
Congratulations to Cian Ohlendieck who won a day’s training with star footballer Marco Reus in Dortmund by taking part in the PUMA evoCHALLENGE 2015.
Christmas concert organised by the German Embassy
Enjoy a wonderful and literary Christmas performance on 14th December organised by the German Embassy Dublin. The event is free but registration is required by… Read More
Notes of the Week 50
Here are the notes for week 50 as displayed on the school TV screens. [fwduvp preset_id=”9″ playlist_id=”11″]
210cm große Weihnachts-Tannen über den St. Kilian's Elternbeirat erhältlich
Bestellen Sie Ihren Weihnachtsbaum über den St. Kilian’s Elternbeirat und helfen Sie Geld für unsere Schule zu sammeln!