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Notes of the Week 39
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Soccer Neuigkeiten: St. Kilian's gegen Viaro International School (Barcelona)
Unser Fußballteam der Sekundarschule spielte am Mittwoch gegen das Fußballteam der Viaro School aus Barcelona in Rockbrook Park. Die Viaro Schule befindet sich außerhalb von Barcelona… Read More
Soccer News: St. Kilian’s vs Viaro International School (Barcelona)
Our boys secondary school soccer team played the Viaro School from Barcelona on Wednesday in Rockbrook Park. The Viaro school is located just outside Barcelona… Read More
Soccer News: St. Kilian's vs Viaro International School (Barcelona)
Our boys secondary school soccer team played the Viaro School from Barcelona on Wednesday in Rockbrook Park. The Viaro school is located just outside Barcelona… Read More
Two students on Leinster U18 Hockey Team
Congratulations to Nina Heisterkamp (11th) and Elizabeth Murphy (12th) who made it onto the Leinster U18 Hockey Team!
Notes of the Week 38
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Our Transition Year climbed a hill for Jack and Jill
Our 10th class took part in the “Jack & Jill Climb a Hill” challenge on their trip to Tanagh Adventure Centre last week and raised
Hockey News 3/2015
Upcoming hockey fixtures:
Linguistics Club – dates and times for this school year announced
The Linguistics Club is about to start again: