Project “Jugend recherchiert 2012 – Biodiversität”
TY students from the 10DM class participated in the project “Jugend recherchiert 2012 Biodiversität” that is organized by the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper in cooperation with the Fraport AG and the media institute Promedia Wolff.
As part of the project the students dealt with the question of how man and nature can peacefully coexist. Aspects that were being looked at are: How can the diversity of species be maintained while the technical progress is going on? What impact does the decline of species have on the climate change and the political and economical measures that are linked to theses changes?
The project enhances key competences as research work, the selection of material and the knowledge of political, economic and ecological links. Moreover it promotes awareness for our own environment and what everyone can contribute in order to maintain biodiversity.
The project is important insofar as the United Nations have declared the years 2011-2020 as the decade of biodiversity.The German department is looking forward to interesting contributions.
Dr. Eva Reinhofer

Students from 11th class carried out a project on Biodiversity with her teacher Dr. Eva Reinhofer.
During this project the student Lukas Soden produced the following video: