Transition Year
(4th year | 10th class) Transition Year (TY) is a one-year education programme available to students who have successfully completed their Junior Cycle education. TY offers a broad educational experience and helps students grow in maturity and take greater responsibility for their own learning and decision making before proceeding to the Senior Cycle.
The modular structure of the TY programme allows students to experience a wide range of extracurricular activities in addition to their academic subjects. The programme also offers considerable emphasis on outward bound experience, career guidance and future subject choice, together with a wide range of expeditions. Throughout the Transition Year students have the opportunity to engage with invited experts in the fields of film studies, health and nutrition, self-defence, work organisation and time management, business, finance and conflict resolution.

TY Work Experience Garda Vetting
As part of our TY work experience the students may chose to work in a place that requires Garda vetting.
This process takes a number of weeks so we advise students to start the process as soon as possible.
The Garda Vetting Process
- Download the NVB 1 – Vetting Invitation and NVB 3 – Parent/Guardian Consent Form.
NVB 1 Garda Vetting Form with JMB Guidelines
NVB3 Garda Vetting Parent/Guardian Consent Form - Carefully read the instructions before completing the form.
For persons aged 16 or 17 Parent’s /Guardian’s email address must be entered in Email Address field, NOT the applicant’s email. - Submit hard copies of both completed forms to the TY Coordinator.
- The school will send the documentation to Joint Managerial Body (JMB) for processing.
- JMB will send the e-vetting invitation to the email address provided on the NVB 1 form. The Parent/Guardian will need to accept the invitation and complete the action requested.
There is a timeline within which this action is to be completed, otherwise the vetting request will expire and the student will need to reapply. - JMB will process the application.
- Once the Vetting Disclosure is issued by the National Vetting Bureau, JMB will forward the information to the school.
- The school will notify the student once her Vetting Disclosure is ready for collection.