The “Kilian’s” film festival is run as part of “Nordeuropa filmt”, a collaborative film project amongst German schools in Northern Europe which seeks to promote media literacy and film education. This project was set up in 2012 during an in- service for film interested colleagues in Oslo. The project is now supported by, and is a partner of the largest international film festival for young film makers in Germany, “Up and Coming”. It is supported by the German Embassy in Helsinki, as well as the Goethe Institute. The well known and famous film directors Aki Kurismäki and Olli Saarela from Finnland are patrons of the festival.
In St. Kilian’s, students of transition year all have the opportunity to write scripts and make short films in the Film Module. Indeed, this is one of the most popular modules in Transition year, proving the strong interest of students in exploring the medium of film and developing their creativity. In 2014, to further support film education and the promotion of media literacy in the school, an after schools film club (Film AG) was set up to help guide students entering the film competition and to introduce them to the fundamental principals of cinematography and script writing. Former student and film graduate Kenneth McDonnell worked together with students in the club and assisted them in developing their ideas. Also in some specific subject areas, teachers this year worked on elements of film making such as creating a storyboard, writing a script etc.
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St. Kilian’s Shortfilm Festival 2014