The Performance assessment is regulated by the Sek I Assessment Policy.
Subjects: German, Mathematics, History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
- Pupils’ written work (in all subjects except P.E.) and other oral and written academic achievements (such as homework, tests, presentations, qualified oral participation in lessons, etc.) are subject to performance assessment.
- The regulations on promotion (Versetzungsordnung) prescribe yearly marks, duly taking into account how academic achievement has evolved in the second semester; the marks in the report should not be calculated schematically.
- Realschule pupils write the same number of tests and class tests as Gymnasium pupils. Individual departments agree whether Realschule pupils should receive the same assignments, but be marked differently, or the same assignments, but with some variations, or different assignments altogether.
- Realschule students can attain the Realschule Qualification at the end of the second half of year 10 by passing the relevant exam. This is governed by the “Prüfungsordnung für den Abschluss der Sekundarstufe I (Realschulabschluss) an Deutschen Auslandsschulen” dated 12th September 2007.
- Gymnasium students will take the relevant examination in Year 10 which allows them entry into the Qualification Phase of the final two Gymnasium years. This exam also takes place in the second half of the school year and is governed by the “Prüfungsordnung an deutschen Auslandsschulen mit aufsteigenden Klassen bis zur Jahrgangsstufe 10 zum Eintritt in die Qualifikationsphase der gymnasialen Oberstufe” dated 12th December 2007.