St. Kilians Newsletter

Merry Christmas

And so another year comes to an end. Over the past few weeks we have enjoyed some of our most popular events of the year, such as the Christmas Bazaar, the St. Martin's event and the K-Factor talent show. Our students have also been busy fundraising for various charities and representing St. Kilian's on their soccer and hockey teams. A summary of our sports' teams achievements this year is available here.
The staff and management would like to wish all parents and students of St Kilian’s peace and joy for Christmas and a good New Year.                 

Christmas message from the Principal

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire St Kilian’s community for your support and commitment to the work ... continue reading

St. Kilian’s wins prize at the “europafilmt!” competition

A huge congratulations to our 8th class film club students who won one of only three awards for best film... continue reading

CHOICES 2018 Careers Fair

The CHOICES 2018 Careers Fair took place on 23rd November this year. We had a great turnout and our gym... continue reading

Primary School Christmas Show

Parents were given a wonderful musical show by classes 3-6. The children all participated with great enthusiasm and spirit. Thank you to Ms Thielemans and all the Primary School teachers for their efforts.

Science Week 2017

Both Primary and Secondary School participated actively and enthusiastically in this year’s national Science Week which ran from 12-19 November.... continue reading

Upcoming dates in January 2018

Monday 8th - School re-opens after Christmas break
Thursday 11th - School photographs
Tuesday 16th - Parent information evening on multilingualism
Thursday 18th - KiMu music competition
Friday 19th - JuMu music competition (afternoon) and prize giving ceremony (evening)
Thursday 25th - Parent/Teacher meeting 9th class

The full school calendar is available on our website.

St. Kilian’s takes on the “Run Around Europe Challenge”

On Monday 20th November, all pupils in our Primary School will start their Run Around Europe Challenge. This will be... continue reading

Anti-Bullying Day

Thursday 9th November was anti-bullying day in our Secondary School. Students got involved in various activities during their classes: there... continue reading

St. Kilians Newsletter

St. Kilian’s Deutsche Schule Dublin/Eurocampus
Roebuck Road, Clonskeagh, D14 P7F2
+353 1 288 3323

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